"; $conference_link = "http://" . get_cfg_var("host_coaps") . "/RVSMDC/marine_workshop2"; $link = _db_connect(); if ($_REQUEST["submit"]) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $k=>$v) { $$k = $v; } ///////////////////// // error checking if (!$first) errorf("First name"); if (!$last) errorf("Last name"); // if (!$agency) errorf("Agency"); if (!$addy1) errorf("Address"); if (!$email) errorf("Email"); if (!$phone) errorf("Phone Number"); if ($poster && !$poster_title) errorf("Poster Title"); if (!eregi("(\+)?([0-9])+", $phone)) errori("Phone Number"); if (!eregi("(\+)?([0-9])+", $fax) && $fax) errori("Fax Number"); if (!eregi("^[(\.)_a-z0-9-]+@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$", $email)) errori("Email"); if ($flag == 0) { if (check_registration($last, $first) == 1) { echo "You've already registered..."; echo "Go back."; return; } $query = "insert into participant ("; $columns = _db_columns("participant"); foreach ($columns as $c) if ($c != "id") $query .= "$c,"; $query = substr($query, 0, -1).") values("; foreach ($_REQUEST as $k=>$v) { if ($k == "id" || $k == "PHPSESSID" || $k == "poster" || $k == "submit") continue; else $query .= "\"$v\","; } $query = substr($query, 0, -1).")"; _db_query($query); //echo $query."
"; _db_close($link); $subject = "Name: $first $last\nAgency: $agency\n\nAddress: \n$addy1\n$addy2\n$addy3\n\nEmail: $email\n"; if ($poster_title) $subject .= "\nThis person is submitting a paper\nPoster Title: $poster_title\n\n"; $subject .= "Phone Number: $phone\nFax Number: $fax\n"; $subject .= "\nPlease visit $conference_link/login.php to see a list of all participants"; mail($to, "New $conference participant registered", $subject, "From: $from\r\nReply-To: $from\r\n"); $message = "Thank you $first for registering for the $conference!\n\n". "\tDon't forget, the workshop is $date.\n"; $message .= "\n\tThank you once again for registering!\n"; if ($poster_title) $message .= "\n\tSince you've decided to submit a poster, please remember to submit an abstract.\nIt can be done at this link, here.\n"; $message .= "\nIf you have questions or comments, please email $contact\n"; echo "

Go Back.
"; mail($email, "$conference registration", $message, "From: $from\r\nReply-To: $from\r\n"); return; } } function errori($name) { global $flag; global $wrong; // echo "$name incorrectly entered!
\n"; $flag = 1; if (!in_array($name,$wrong)) array_push($wrong,$name); } function errorf($name) { global $flag; global $wrong; // echo "$name not entered!
\n"; $flag = 1; if (!in_array($name,$wrong)) array_push($wrong,$name); } function display_error($name) { global $wrong; if (in_array($name,$wrong)) echo "*\n"; } ?>

Second Workshop on High-Resolution Marine Meteorology

Online Registration

" method="post" name="register">
0) echo " \n \n \n"; ?>
first last
Business Address
Phone Number
do not use dashes or spaces
Fax Number
example: 8505555555
" value="">

* indicates a required field

Problems? Email with your browser version.

0) $val = 1; else $val = 0; return $val; } ?>