from __future__ import print_function from MFT23 import * import sys flux_model = 1 # BVW model=0; Smith (1988) = 1; negative numbers use the options below z0_mom_prm = 6 # z0_theta_q_prm = 1 # stable_prm = 0 # warn = 0 # warning are given for 1, and hidden for 0 eqv_neut_prm = 0 # output winds are winds rather than equivalent neutral winds z_wanted = 10.0 # height to which winds, potential temp, and humidity are adjusted net_heat_flux = 5.0 sst_prm = 3 oil_fract_area = 0.0 # fraction of surface covered by DWH-like oil z_over_L = 0.0 zo_m = [0.0000, 0.0000] sfc_current1 = 0.0 sfc_current2 = 0.0 missing = -9999.0 try: data_file = open("testdata_MFT.dat", "r") except IOError: print("Could not read file.") sys.exit() data_file.readline() print( "run U |ustar| ustar1 ustar2 tstar qstar zref/L cp wa Hsig tau1 tau2 shf lhf u(z) v(z) t(z) q(z) z0" ) for x in range(0, 62): data_in_row = data_file.readline().split() for a in [2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]: data_in_row[a] = float(data_in_row[a]) # noqa for b in [0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 17]: data_in_row[b] = int(data_in_row[b]) if len(data_in_row) == 18: ( num, dyn_in_prm, dyn_in_val, dyn_in_val2, ss_prm, ss_val, air_moist_prm, air_moist_val, sfc_moist_prm, sfc_moist_val, t_skin, t_air, ref_ht_wind, ref_ht_tq, pressure, salinity, convect, astab, ) = data_in_row # two lines of added code to show now to keep z/L equal to an input value. Note 'z' in z/L is the wind reference height. ( count, shf, lhf, tau, u_star, t_star, q_star, z_over_L, wave_age, dom_phase_spd, hsig, zo_out, u_at_z, t_at_z, q_at_z, ) = mft_fluxes( dyn_in_prm, dyn_in_val, dyn_in_val2, sfc_current1, sfc_current2, convect, pressure, air_moist_prm, air_moist_val, sfc_moist_prm, sfc_moist_val, salinity, ss_prm, ss_val, t_air, sst_prm, t_skin, ref_ht_wind, ref_ht_tq, z_wanted, astab, eqv_neut_prm, net_heat_flux, warn, flux_model, z0_mom_prm, z0_theta_q_prm, stable_prm, oil_fract_area, z_over_L, zo_m, missing, ) #print(wave_age, zo_out) # print('in test_MFT: hsig = ', hsig) # if count <= 1 : # print("non-convergence:" ) print( "%2i %5.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %7.4f %9.6f %8.5f %6.2f %6.2f %5.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.3f %8.6f" % ( x + 1, dyn_in_val, m.sqrt(u_star[0] * u_star[0] + u_star[1] * u_star[1]), u_star[0], u_star[1], t_star, q_star, z_over_L, dom_phase_spd, wave_age[0], hsig, tau[0], tau[1], shf, lhf, u_at_z[0], u_at_z[1], t_at_z, q_at_z, zo_out[0], ), sep="", )