This page details new items of interest on the WOCE-Met WWW pages New pages, new datasets, and various changes will appear here.
November 2001: WOCE-MET announces the final release of all received WOCE ship and buoy data. The final WOCE-MET archive is in accordance with other WOCE data centers who use hydrographic lines, thus, making cross referencing WOCE data more efficient. WOCE-MET data can be accessed through one central location and new easy to use data download options are available. Now, multiple data can be downloaded by either WOCE line, ship name, or cruise track code simply by selecting the download option.
2 May 2000: WOCE-MET announces a major release of new, quality processed, ship and buoy data. Data for over 100 new WOCE cruise lines and the WOCE sponsored Subduction Experiment are now available. All new data releases are located in the data repository tables. In addition, new netCDF and ASCII formats (version 200) have been adopted for all (new and old) data files. These new formats contain two additional time stamps, "woce_time_of_day" and "woce_date"; however, no changes have been made to any other variables (i.e., data from old file versions are the same as version 200 files). Please see the revised format documentation.
2 May 2000: The following duplicate WOCE line designators were removed: S01, S02, P12, and PR12. Hereafter, these lines will only be referred to as A21, A12, S03, and SR03 respectively. Some documentation and files generated before 2 May 2000 may still refer to the old WOCE line designators.
9 November 1999: INVTIME and CONVTIME source code for converting the minute timestamp from ship data provided by WOCE-MET back into a standard year/month/day/hour/minute time, and vice-versa, are now Y2K compliant.
19 Dec 1997: The WOCEMET SAC pages are available!
22 Jun 1995: WOCE-Met pages announced and opened to the WOCE community