; Procedure: MISSING.PRO ; Purpose: Produces a data table of the data with missing values. ; Accessed when selection #1 or #2 is chosen in ; 'truewind.pro'. PRO missing_values, num, crse, cspd, wdir, hd, wspd, tdir, tspd, wmis PRINT, ' ' PRINT, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' PRINT, ' ' PRINT, ' MISSING DATA TABLE' PRINT, ' ********************' PRINT, ' index course sspeed windir shiphd appspd trudir truspd' for i=0,num-1 do begin if( (crse(i) EQ wmis(0)) OR (cspd(i) EQ wmis(1)) OR $ (wdir(i) EQ wmis(2)) OR (wspd(i) EQ wmis(3)) OR $ (hd(i) EQ wmis(4)) ) then begin PRINT, FORMAT="(8x, I8, 7f8.1)",i+1, crse(i), cspd(i), wdir(i), $ hd(i), wspd(i), tdir(i), tspd(i) endif endfor END