Flavien Gouillon

Graduate Research Assistant

PhD Student in Physical Oceanography



Internal Wave Generation by a Tidal Flow over a Continental Shelf: Analytical and Numerical Calculations
Project done by Gaelle Faivre in 3 months.


This work has been done mainly by Gaelle Faivre, student in the Engineering School of MATMECA

Objectives of the Research

Assess the skills of HYCOM on simulating internal waves over abrupt slope


Internal waves generated at a continental shelf can have high amplitudes/energy. Thus they affect a wide range of dynamical ocean processes such as sediment/nutrient transport, as well as oil companies or even submarines navigation. This study focuses on assessing the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) for an idealized configuration. The related analytical solution provides the standard to compare the numerical results obtained.

Details are given on the final report of Gaelle Faivre.

Final report (4 Mb)

Presentation given at COAPS (1 Mb ppt file)

The Research Team

Dr. Eric Chassignet , Professor
Dr. A. Bozec , Post-Doc Scientist
F. Gouillon , Graduate Research Assistant
G. Faivre, Summer Intern, Engineer


"Mistakes are the portals of discovery"... J. Joyce

Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Florida State University
200 R.M. Johnson Bldg, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-2840

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