Buijsman, M. C., B. K. Arbic, E. P. Chassignet, L. Hiron, J.F. Shriver, M. Solano, and X. Xu, 2024, Variance in baroclinic modes across frequency bands in a global ocean simulation with atmospheric and tidal forcing. Ocean Modelling, submitted.

Schönau, M. C, L. Hiron, J. Ragland, K. J. Raja, J. Skitka, M. S. Solano, X. Xu, B. K. Arbic, M. C. Buijsman, E. P. Chassignet, E. Coelho, R. W. Helber, J. F. Shriver, J. E. Summers, K. L. Verlinden, and A. J. Wallcraft, 2024, An overview to modeling, characterizing, and predicting the effects of internal gravity waves on acoustic propagation at basin to global scales, Oceanography, submitted.

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, P. Miron, and O. Zavala-Romero, 2024, Seasonality of Marine Litter Hotspots in the Wider Caribbean Region, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12, 319. doi: 10.3390/jmse12020319

Wang, Q., Q, Shu, A. Bozec, E. P. Chassignet, P. G. Fogli, B. Fox-Kemper, A. McC. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, N. Koldunov, J. Le Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, I. Polyakov, P. Scholz, D. Sidorenko, S. Wang, and X. Xu, 2023, Impact of high resolution on Arctic Ocean simulations in Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2), Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/gmd-17-347-2024.

Xu, X., Chassignet, E. P., and A. J. Wallcraft, 2023, Impact of vertical resolution on representing baroclinic modes and water mass distribution in the North Atlantic, Ocean Modelling, doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102261 [pdf].

Treguier, A.M, C. de Boyer Montégut, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, B. Fox-Kemper, A. McC. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, J. Le Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, C. Lique, H. Liu, G. Serazin, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, X. Xu, and S. Yeager, 2023, The mixed layer depth in the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP): Impact of resolving mesoscale eddies, Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-310

Wang, F., X. Xu, F. Zhang, and L. Ma, 2023, Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Three Generation of Climate Models, Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA002887. doi:10.1029/2023EA002887

Chassignet, E. P., X. Xu, A. Bozec, and T. Uchida, 2023, Impact of the New England seamount chain on Gulf Stream pathway and variability, Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-23-0008.1

Zhang, Y., P. Wu, R. Xu, X. Wang, L. Lei, A. T. Schartup, Y. Peng, Q. Pang, X. Wang, L. Mai, R. Wang, H. Liu, X. Wang, A. Luijendijk, E.P. Chassignet, X. Xu, H. Shen, S. Zheng, and E. Y. Zeng, 2023, Plastic Waste Discharge to the Global Ocean Constrained by Seawater Observations., Nature Communications, 14:1372, doi:10.1038/s41467-023-37108-5

Gonçalves Neto, A., J. Palter, X. Xu, and P. Fratantoni, 2023, Temporal variability of the Labrador Current pathways around the Tail of the Grand Banks at intermediate depths in a high-resolution ocean circulation model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018756. doi:10.1029/2022JC018756

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, A. J. Wallcraft, B. K. Arbic, M. C. Buijsman, and M. Solano, 2022, On the spatial variability of the mesoscale sea surface height wavenumber spectra in the Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018769. doi:10.1029/2022JC018769 [pdf]

Lozier, M. S., A. S. Bower, H. H. Furey, K. L. Drouin, X. Xu, and S. Zou, 2022, Overflow water pathways in the North Atlantic, Progress in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102874

Uchida T., J. Le Sommer, C. Stern, R. P. Abernathey, C. Holdgraf, A. Albert, L. Brodeau, E. P. Chassignet, X. Xu, J. Gula, G. Roullet, N. Koldunov, S. Danilov, Q. Wang, D. Menemenlis, C. Bricaud, B. K. Arbic, J. F. Shriver, F. Qiao, B. Xiao, A. Biastoch, R. Schubert, B. Fox-Kemper, and W. K. Dewar, 2022, Cloud-based framework for inter-comparing submesoscale permitting realistic ocean models, Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/gmd-2022-27

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, S. Dong, and M. O. Baringer, 2022, Transport structure of the South Atlantic Ocean derived from a high-resolution numerical model and observations, Front. Mar. Sci., 9:811398. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.811398. [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P. and X. Xu, 2021, On the importance of high-resolution in large-scale ocean models Advance in Atmospheric Science, 38, 1621-1634, doi:10.1007/s00376-021-0385-7 [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P., X. Xu, and O. Zavala-Romero, 2021, Tracking marine litter with a global ocean model: Where does it go? Where does it come from? Frontiers in Marine Science-Marine Pollution, 8:667591, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.667591. [pdf]

Zeng, L., E. P. Chassignet, X. Xu, and D. Wang, 2021, Multi-decadal changes in the South China Sea mixed layer salinity, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-021-05711-1 [pdf]

Ajayi, A., J. Le Sommer, E. P. Chassignet, J.-M. Molines, X. Xu, A. Albert, and W. Dewar, 2021, Diagnosing cross-scale kinetic energy exchanges from two submesoscale permitting ocean models, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, doi:10.1029/2019MS001923 [pdf]

Zhao, X., C. Zhou, X. Xu, R. Ye, and W. Zhao, 2020, Deep circulation in the South China Sea simulated in a regional model, Ocean Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s10236-020-01411-2 [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P., S. G. Yeager, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Bozec, F. Castruccio, G. Danabasoglu, W. M. Kim, N. Koldunov, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, D. Sein, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, and X. Xu, 2020, Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2), Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 4595-4637, doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-374-RC2 [pdf]

Roberts, M. J., L. C. Jackson, C. D. Roberts, V. Meccia, D. Docquier, T. Koenigk, P. Ortega, E. Moreno-Chamarro, A. Bellucci, A. Coward, S. Drijfhout, E. Exarchou, O. Gutjahr, H. Hewitt, D. Iovino, K. Lohmann, R. Schiemann, J. Seddon, L. Terray, X. Xu, Q. Zhang, P. Chang, S. G. Yeager, F. S. Castruccio, S. Zhang, L. Wu, 2020, Sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to model resolution in CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations and implications for future changes, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, doi:10.1029/2019MS002014 [pdf]

Gonçalves Neto, A., J. Palter, A. Bower, H. Furey, and X. Xu, 2020, Labrador Sea Water transport across the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi:10.1029/2020JC016068 [pdf]

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, Y. L. Firing, and K. Donohue, 2020, Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport through Drake Passage: What can we learn from comparing high-resolution model results to observations? Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016365, doi:10.1029/2020JC016365 [pdf]

Ajayi, A., J. Le Sommer, E. P. Chassignet, J.-M. Molines, X. Xu, A. Albert, and E. Cosme, 2020, Spatial and temporal variability of North Atlantic eddy field from two kilometric-resolution ocean models, Jounral of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi:10.1029/2019JC015827 [pdf]

Zou, S., A. Bower, H. Furey, M. S. Lozier, and X. Xu, 2020, Redrawing the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water pathways in the North Atlantic, Nature Communication, 11(1):1890, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15513-4.

Zou, S., M. S. Lozier, and X. Xu, 2020, Latitudinal structure of the meridional overturning circulation variability in the North Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Climate, 33, 3845-3862, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0215.1

Hirschi, J. J.-M., B. Barnier, C. Böning, A. Biastoch, A. T. Blaker, A. Coward, S. Danilov, S. Drijfhout, K. Getzlaff, S. M. Griffies, H. Hasumi, H. Hewitt, D. Iovino, T. Kawasaki, A. E. Kiss, N. Koldunov, A. Marzocchi, J. V. Mecking, B. Moat, J.-M. Molines, P. G. Myers, T. Penduff, M. Roberts, A.-M. Treguier, D. V. Sein, D. Sidorenko, J. Small, P. Spence, L. Thompson, W. Weijer, and X. Xu, 2020, The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in high-resolution models, Jounral of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(4), e2019JC015522, doi:10.1029/2019JC015522

Chassignet, E. P., S. G. Yeager, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Bozec, F. Castruccio, G. Danabasoglu, W. M. Kim, N. Koldunov, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, D. Sein, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, and X. Xu, 2020, Impact of horizontal resolution on the energetics of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations, CLIVAR Variations/Exchanges, 18(1), 23-30, doi:10.5065/g8w0-fy32 [pdf]

Maloney, E. D., A. Gettelman, Y. Ming, J. D. Neelin, D. Barrie, A. Mariotti, C.-C. Chen, D. R. B. Coleman, Y.-H. Kuo, B. Singh, H. Annamalai, A. Berg, J. F. Booth, S. J. Camargo, A. Dai, A. Gonzalez, J. Hafner, X. Jiang, X. Jing, D. Kim, A. Kumar, Y. Moon, C. M. Naud, A. H. Sobel, K. Suzuki, F. Wang, J. Wang, A. A. Wing, X. Xu, and M. Zhao, 2019, Process-oriented evaluation of climate and weather forecasting models, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0042.1

LaCasce, J. H., J. Escartin, E. P. Chassignet, and X. Xu, 2019, Jet instability over smooth, corrugated, and realistic slopes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(02), 585-605, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-18-0129.1. [pdf]

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, and F. Wang, 2019, On the variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation transports in coupled CMIP5 simulations, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4529-0. [pdf]

Xu, X., P. B. Rhines, and E. P. Chassignet, 2018, On mapping the diapycnal water mass transformation of the upper North Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48(10), 2233-2258, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0223.1. [pdf]

Xu, X., A. Bower, H. Furey, and E. P. Chassignet, 2018, Variability of the Iceland-Scotland overflow water transport through the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: Results from an eddying simulation and observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 5808–5823, doi:10.1029/2018JC013895. [pdf]

Zeng, L., E. P. Chassignet, R. W. Schmitt, X. Xu, and D. Wang, 2018, Salinification in the South China Sea since late 2012: a reversal of the freshening since 1990s, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2744-2751, doi:10.1002/2017GL076574. [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P. and X. Xu, 2017, Impact of horizontal resolution (1/12° to 1/50°) on Gulf Stream separation, penetration, and variability, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(08), 1999-2021, doi:10.1175/JPOD-17-0031.1. [pdf]

Trossman, D., B. K. Arbic, D. N. Straub, J. G. Richman, E. P. Chassignet, A. J. Wallcraft, and X. Xu, 2017, The role of rough topography in mediating impacts of bottom drag in eddying ocean circulation models, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(08), 1941-1959, doi:10.1175/JPOD-16-0229.1. [pdf]

Zhao, X., C. Zhou, W. Zhao, J. Tian, and X. Xu, 2016, Deepwater overflow observed by three bottom-anchored moorings in the Bashi Channel, Deep Sea Research, Part I, 110, 65-74, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.01.007. [pdf]

Xu, X., P. B. Rhines, and E. P. Chassignet, 2016, Temperature-salinity structure of the North Atlantic circulation and associated heat and freshwater transports, Journal of Climate, 29(21), 7723-7742, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0798.1. [pdf]

Xu, X., P. B. Rhines, E. P. Chassignet, and W. J. Schmitz Jr., 2015, Spreading of the Denmark Strait overflow water in the western subpolar North Atlantic: Insights from eddy-resolving simulations with a passive tracer, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(12), 2913-2932, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0179.1. [pdf]

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, W. E. Johns, W. J. Schmitz Jr., and E. J. Metzger, 2014, Intraseasonal to interannual variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation from eddy-resolving simulations and observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/ 2014JC009994. [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P., X. Xu, and G. Danabasoglu, 2014, Overflow parameterisations in climate models, CLIVAR Exchanges, 19(2), 34-37. [pdf]

Chassignet, E. P., J. G. Richman, E. J. Metzger, X. Xu, P. G. Hogan, B. K. Arbic, and A. J. Wallcraft, 2014, HYCOM high-resolution eddying simulations, CLIVAR Exchanges, 19(2), 22-25. [pdf]

Xu, X., H. E. Hurlburt, W. J. Schmitz Jr., J. Fischer, R. Zantopp, and P. J. Hogan, 2013, On the currents and transports connected with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20065. [pdf]

Xu, X., W. J. Schmitz Jr., H. E. Hurlburt, and P. J. Hogan, 2012, Mean Atlantic meridional overturning circulation across 26.5°N from eddy-resolving simulations compared to observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C03042, doi:10.1029/2011JC007586. [pdf]

Hurlburt, H. E., E. J. Metzger, J. Sprintall, S. N. Riedlinger, R. A. Arnone, T. Shinoda, and X. Xu, 2011, Circulation in the Philippine Archipelago simulated by 1/12° and 1/25° global HYCOM and EAS NCOM, Oceanography, 24(1), 28-47. [pdf]

Hurlburt, H. E., E. J. Metzger, J. Richman, E. P. Chassignet, Y. Drillet, M. W. Hecht, O. L. Galloudec, J. F. Shriver, X. Xu, and L. Zamudio, 2011, Dynamical evaluation of ocean models using the Gulf Stream as an example, in Operational Oceanpgraphy in the 21st Century, A. Schiller and G. B. Brassington, eds., Springer-Verlag, New York.

Xu, X., W. J. Schmitz Jr., H. E. Hurlburt, P. J. Hogan, and E. P. Chassignet, 2010, Transport of Nordic Seas overflow water into and within the Irminger Sea: An eddy-resolving simulation and observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 115, C12048, doi:10.1029/ 2010JC006351. [pdf]

Metzger, E. J., H. E. Hurlburt, X. Xu, A. L. Gordon, J. Sprintall, R. D. Susanto, and H. M. van Aken, 2010, Simulated and observed circulation in the Indonesian Seas: 1/12° global HYCOM and the INSTANT observations, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce. 2010.04.002. [pdf]

Legg, S., B. Briegleb, Y. S. Chang, E. P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, T. Ezer, A. L. Gordon, S. Griffies, R. Hallberg, L. Jackson, W. Large, T. M. Özgökmen, H. Peters, J. Price, U. Riemenschneider, W. Wu, X. Xu and J. Yang, 2009, Improving oceanic overflow representation in climate models: the gravity current entrainment climate process team, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2667.1. [pdf]

Chang, Y. S., T. M. Özgökmen, H. Peters and X. Xu, 2008, Numerical simulation of the Red Sea outflow using HYCOM and comparison with REDSOX observations, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(2), 337-358, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3697.1 [pdf]

Xu, X., E. P. Chassignet, J. F. Price, T. M. Özgökmen, and H. Peters, 2007, A regional modeling study of the entraining Mediterranean outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112, C12005, doi:10.1029/2007JC004145. [pdf]

Xu, X., Outflow representation in HYCOM, Ph.D thesis, December 2006, University of Miami (FL), 135 pp. [pdf]

Xu, X., Y. S. Chang, H. Peters, T. M. Özgökmen, and E. P. Chassignet, 2006, Parameterization of gravity current entrainment for ocean circulation models using a high-order 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model, Ocean Modelling, 14, 19-44. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.02.006 [pdf]

Chang, Y. S., X. Xu, T. M. Özgökmen, E. P. Chassignet, H. Peters, and P. F. Fischer, 2005, Comparison of gravity current mixing parameterizations and calibration using a high-resolution 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model, Ocean Modelling, 10, 342-368. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2004.11.002. [pdf]

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